Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Pleasant pauses and touchy training

Man, that zero gravity training is intense. The water training was kind of easy because i liked swimming on earth, here it isn't any different. The zero gravity thing though... I dunno it's pretty crazy. If you make the slightest move you'll gain momentum and won't stop moving until you make another move to contradict it. It's like being weightless... Probably because you are. It's not very easy to describe because there's nothing anything like it, besides swimming. If there's nothing to compare to I don't know if it's possible to describe it.
Since I'm clueless on how to tell myself what I just did, (which sounded a lot better in my head)I'm going to tell you about the work we did instead of the conditions.
We were working on a satellite look-alike to simulate a real situation. We had to repair a solar panel and do a checkup on the rest of the parts. If we didn't do it right we had to do it again because you can't mess up satellites, it costs the government millions (good thing it was a fake satellite). I wonder when JET is going to do something again, it's been a long time since we did anything. That could be good because it means less work...but it could be bad and mean we have to get back on schedule the hard way. I just love periods in groups of three, they add such pleasant pauses...
Teen out

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